Friday, February 06, 2009

I know what he means ...

... What, Exactly, is Wrong with Graham Greene?

I find I have no wish revisit Greene - immediately after reading him. I remember being impressed by The Power and the Glory, but also, in some way, glad it was over. The same was true of A Burnt-Out Case, the first book I ever reviewed for publication (no big deal - it was my college newspaper; I actually started out as a book reviewer, and have ended as one).


  1. Frank, I first started reading Greene AFTER seeing film adaptations of his books ... Power and the Glory, Third Man and End of the Affair.

  2. Anonymous4:35 PM

    I read every single one of Greene's books in my 20s. I discovered them after I left home - I think my parents disapproved. He was probably a bit "modern" (for them). I had to have a clear-out at one point, involving removing virtually all my books in order to fit a bed into my tiny flat. I kept a couple of my favourite Greenes - The Human Factor and Dr Fischer of Geneva. I was very moved by these books. But really, I adored them all. I even stuck with "Travels with my Aunt", not my cup of tea, but I read it all.
