Friday, April 24, 2015

Good heavens …

… Shakespeare not required reading for most literature grads in US - Telegraph. (Hat tip, Dave Lull.)

Albert Jay Nock once pointed out that Americans have a tendency to think that, if something is good for anyone, it must be good for everyone. So naturally, the notion that everyone should go to college caught on. But the only way you can do that is to adapt college to everyone, which involves a kind of leveling process that makes college less than what it ought to be, and colleges today seem increasingly less than they used to be. Not everyone has scholarly tendencies. In fact, few people do. That doesn't mean they are less intelligent, only that their intelligence works differently. Also, people who were uninterested in scholarship when young often become very interested in it later on. One size never fits all.

That's why there's this: VIDEO: College Students Don't Recognize Ronald Reagan.
I wonder if they would recognize Truman or Eisenhower.

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