Monday, May 11, 2015

Magnificat - The Mother's Song

Mary began her song with a paradoxical statement.  She said she magnifies the Lord.  How can one magnify Someone who is already infinite and eternal in His Person?  The Lord is omnipotent (all powerful), omnipresent (everywhere present), omniscient (all knowing), omni-sapient (all wise), eternal, immutable (unchanging), all loving, merciful, gracious, faithful, and infinitely holy.  How are you going to magnify that?!
 Related:  What Would Mary Do?
Mary was no stranger to violence. She knew well the powerlessness of motherhood, as well as the suffering it can entail. The child born in hope and joy, reduced by prejudice, systems of exclusion, neglect, becomes the child of heartbreak. It is the relentless heartbreak of being unable to change the neighborhood, the peer group, the options, no matter how many parent-teacher conferences you get yourself to, no matter how many meetings with the principal, pleading for someone to offer a bit of kindness, a ray of hope. To see a child undermined, cut off in the prime of life, can come close to threatening the very will to live.
There is nothing in life that requires more courage, grit, and moral power than this. The strength that is born from enduring, from finding new life and hope beyond the small daily deaths, is a strength that is capable of holding up the sky.

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