Tuesday, July 18, 2006

As William Carlos Williams wrote......

It is difficult
to get the news from poems,
yet men die miserably every day
for lack of what is found there.

Danielle Ofri, MD, PhD, DLitt (Hon) has written an essay about the use of poetry in her medical practice.


  1. Odd, Frank, that I just discovered the Bellevue Literary Review yesterday, and here you have the real experience of how it may be exerting a benevolent influence on Bellevue, a hospital where Ginsberg and others have stayed.

  2. Wonderful! Thank you for the link. Sometimes I'm a physical therapist who writes poetry. Other times a poet who practices physical therapy. But I haven't tried them both at the same time.


  3. Yes, very interesting. Once poetry books get taken out from the furthest-away shelves in the basements of bookshops, and are actually heard in the middle of real life, there is a willing audience out there, even among people who wouldn't have thought about poems otherwise. Good to hear the proof.

  4. So true! And since most poetry contains life lessons, you might extend your life that way...lol.
