Sunday, August 03, 2008

Pathetic ...

... this may explain more about the decline of newspapers than anything else I've seen:

Everytime I turn in an article, I turn in clean copy with no errors, just to have my editors f*** with it and add grammitical and style errors.

These new kids pray to the altimate pagen for thanks in the internet. Because, without the internet, nobody would talk to them.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:25 AM

    No kidding! New kids, old kids, young kids, ancient kids — all the kids on the slopping block — laying down errors in their comments, egregious overslights, stupidoes, S-V Agr., and grammar that needs to be taken to the grim-reaper cleaners. No wonder journalism's gone to hell in one heck of a hurry. Pathetic? You're far too circumspect, Frank. Ah, well, at least we lived during its golden age (since we seem to have descended into the epochrisy of neanderthuggery). I had to go and read some of Roger K. Miller's posts to wash that filth right outta my mind (since I am, indeedly, left-handed or right-brained; and, natch, we all know what Bill "The Spaceman" Lee opined concerning that phenomenon . . .).
