Saturday, February 20, 2010

Thought for the day ...

Hell, madam, is to love no longer.
- Georges Bernanos, born on this date in 1888


  1. How very agreeable to see Georges Bernanos' birthdate remembered in this blog. His masterpiece (in my view), "Monsieur Ouine", is not too well known in the English speaking world (a translation exists,I believe, but I cannot vouch for it). At any rate I recommend that particular novel to anyone who wishes to read a work that treats of evil at its most banal and at the same time in a strange and supernatural manner by a man whose views on life were complex in a pleasing way compared to the cardboard cutout views of most present day public chatterboxes, eager to make their views known to the customers, no, I mean market, no, I mean public. The "Journal d'un Cure de Campagne" and "Sous le Soleil de Satan" haunt one as well. But M. Ouine is marvellous, chilling.

  2. It sounds intriguing. I just ordered a copy. Thanks for the tip.
