Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Bottoms up …

… The Time I Drank with Borges in a Scottish Pub | Literary Hub. (Hat tip, Dave Lull.)

His deep voice boomed, beautifully controlled, almost theatrical. The accent was slight: his grandmother had been English, and he had grown up with the language. He read Shakespeare and Wells, Stevenson and Chesterton, Wilde, and any number of obscure poets in English. “I adore Chidiock Tichborne,” he said to me. “Don’t you?” He could recite long passages of Anglo-Saxon verse from memory.


  1. In Little Wilson and Big God Anthony Burgess writes of swapping lines from Beowulf (in the Anglo-Saxon, of course) with Borges at a reception, perhaps at the White House, while the Argentinian security men stood by, confused and troubled.

  2. I read the book, but had forgotten that. Thanks for the reminder, George.
