Friday, December 20, 2019

Well, yes, sort of …

… Review: Is there still such a thing as a Catholic writer? | America Magazine. (Hat tip, Dave Lull.)

Stated simply, this book should come with a seatbelt. Not because the ride ahead is bumpy—Gioia is as gifted a writer of prose as he is poetry—but because the velocity of its thinking is so great and the range of references so vast. In addition to the title piece, there are beautiful, searching essays on Donne, Hopkins and lesser (but should be better) known poets like Dunstan Thompson, William Everson (a.k.a. Brother Antoninus) and Elizabeth Jennings. There is an authoritative journey through Paul’s Epistle to the Philippians and thoughtful discussions of art, including the painter George Tooker (a detail of his painting “Embrace of Peace II” appears on the book’s cover). Dozens of other writers, artists and musicians glimmer in these pages, too, ranging from Dave Brubeck to Morten Lauridsen.
Here is my review of Dana’s book.

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