Monday, August 07, 2006

Blog less ...

... to greater effect. So opines Eric Kintz: Why Blog Post Frequency Does Not Matter Anymore. (Via Cogito, ergo Boom.)

Well, yesterday afternoon I decided to take a break from blogging, for no better reason than that I was feeling lazy. I always tend to go with an impulse like that, because it's an unsual one for me, and I figured I must be trying to tell myself something. At any rate, I think a lot of what Kintz says is true. But much depends on the kind of blogging you do. I tend to post links to things I've come upon that I found interesting and think others may as well. Only every now and again do I have something more elaborate to say.


  1. Yes, I agree, Frank. I think that with rss websites such as bloglines, and now many others eg google offering such a service, blogging frequency per se does not matter, becuase if someone is subscribed to your blog via rss they can tell when you've posted something new and go there in that knowledge.

    On Petrona I try to post once a day (and that darn puzzle, that's for Susan!). I like to muse on something that's interested me that day, either via an email I've been sent, or via a book, the newspaper or web, etc. Each blog has its own identity, that's what is so nice about reading them.

  2. Anonymous1:30 AM


    Thanks for linking to my post. I thought you would enjoy the follow up analysis on how this post spread throughout the blogosphere.
