Saturday, August 05, 2006

An interesting quiz ...

... in This really is taking things a bit too far... Gene Justice links to one that asks, "What kind of pirate are you?" He was rather taken aback by his results. Mine? I scored as Blackbeard. Imagine that.


  1. Well, after that photo of yourself in the 1970s you posted the other day, can't say I am surprised ;-)

  2. "He was rather taken aback by his results."

    --Only because, given my work and life history, which has put me in close working and living quarters with far more women than men, it seemed particularly apt that I would get the one female pirate on the list for mine.

    Most of my friends are Sinbads, oddly enough. In fact, I think, of 5 responses, on the blog and in real life, all of them have been.

    Thanks for checking in! --g
