Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Actually, there's another must-read ...

... Shilpa Shetty: Reality Bites Back . Specifically, it is the article of his that Bryan links to: Reality TV.

"It was subversive," Watson has said of Sylvania Waters. "But if you're afilm-maker, you're meant to be subversive."
Really? Why? I don't want my plumber to be subversive. What's so special about film-makers? And, if we always know he's going to be subversive, why bother watching his films?
So hypnotised are we by theconventions of television that the fly-on-the-wallers can get away with theireasy trickery. Childishly we believe that, because we are seeing something, itmust, in some sense, be true. This is depravity because it means we have lostfaith in the ability of argument and explanation to lead us to the truth.
Amen, brother!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:02 PM

    That's a great article by Bryan, with so many of its themes right on the money, especially when you consider it in the context of today's reality television. And published ten years ago...

    Well done.
