... last month I posted One more time ..., which included a link to a glowing review of the film Reprise. Well, Debbie and I went to see Reprise this afternoon and we found ourselves singularly underwhelmed. Matthew Cheney noted that the old futzers in the audience when he saw it weren't too impressed, either. And this review suggests that anyone not between the ages of 19 and 28 be discouraged from seeing it. Well, I may have retired from partying - principally in order to postpone death a bit - but I am a lot less unhip than most people my age. I was still dropping acid well into my 40s, and that was among my milder indulgences at the time (believe me). I know my Pork Dukes, Snivelling Shits, and Flux of Pink Indians as well as anybody. And if Reprise is an accurate portrayal of life in contemporary Norway, boy are they retro. This is a film about writers in which we are never given a snippet of anything they write. Surely the scene in Erik's publisher's office cannot accurately represent any real publisher's office in Norway. I certainly hope not. I also hope attitudes toward women among contemporary Norwegian youth are in reality a little less piggish. There wasn't a single male character in this film that I would want to spend 15 minutes with. I'd rather shoot up than see that flick again - even nodding off is more exciting.
And that's it for blogging today. Back tomorrow.
And that's it for blogging today. Back tomorrow.
Heh, now you've made me really curious.