Saturday, June 20, 2009

Would love to have seen ...

...this: Charles Dance's island.

1 comment:

  1. Charles Dance is a fine actor and I wish we would see more of him.

    He was nearly perfect as Ian Fleming in the film "Goldeneye: The Life of Ian Fleming."

    As production is gearing up for the full Hollywood treatment for Ian Fleming, I would bring Dance back to portray Fleming in his final years (he died at 56 in 1964), and cast a younger actor to portray Fleming in his younger years when he was a "womanizer," a world-traveling journalist and a naval intelligence officer in World War II.

    As Leo DiCaprio is the producer of the upcoming Fleming film bio, there is of course talk of DiCaprio portraying Fleming, but I hope this is not true.

    Dance nailed Fleming and he ought to be given a chance to portray Fleming in a bigger, better film bio.
