Monday, September 07, 2009

Ho-hum ...

It being a holiday, Debbie and I took off to see Julie & Julia. Debbie liked it, though she thought it was too long with more than its share of dull stretches. I found it excruciating. Amy Adams was terminally cute, and Meryl Streep has gone back to the impersonation business (though she got some first-class competition from Dan Ackroyd). Really not a hell of a lot about food. Mostly tell, little show. And yes, far too long. I was beginning to think it would never end. The perfect movie for bien pensants.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you should have tried District 9 (9th District?) instead. Even I am rather tempted by that based on the reviews and internet buzz. Doesn't sound like there is much cooking or eating in it ;-)
