Friday, July 16, 2010

Details ...

... On the importance of the properly placed comma, or not.


  1. Some are concerned about the state of our colons, too:

    "Colonoscopy: It’s Time to Check Your Colons"

  2. The "rules" for commas ought to be more correctly named "guidelines." However, my comment to the linked posting lays out my simple analysis of comma usage with essential and nonessential elements in sentences.

    Now, with respect to Dave Lull's wonderful contribution to the subject, I join the chorus as one who is also concerned about the abuse of colons in the world. Moreover, with a focus on something even more troubling, I worry very much about the terrible profusion of semicolons; it is truly a worrisome problem when one must contend with all those partial colons. Oh, the agony of it all!
