Friday, September 14, 2007

Good luck ...

... Christopher Hitchens On the Limits of Self-Improvement, Part I. (Hat tip, Dave Lull.)

Had I not given up the sauce 18 years ago I'd probably be writing this from inside a jar on a shelf in some medical lab. Luckily for me I've always walked a lot and eaten well (not much taste for fast food and sparing of the cheese steaks and pizza). So, except for a bum knee (product of a kneecap fractured in a collision with concrete) I'm in pretty good shape. Unfortunately, I will still die.


  1. Surely that should read, "Fortunately, I will still die." One dreads to think of undying senility. He who binds to himself a joy doththe winged life destroy & all that.

  2. Well, given Tithonus and all that, I suppose the answer is, yes, fortunately. Though I really do find it difficult to warm to the eventuality, especially since, in my case, it grows ever nearer.

  3. Though to go with Blake again, I think he described death as simply going from one room into another.
