Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Plantinga v. Dennett

2:38 pm - Plantinga argues that contemporary evolutionary theory isn't incompatible with theistic belief. But instead is in conflict with naturalism. He also thinks that theistic religion could be rational even if science conflicted with it (this last is particularly controversial claim, to my mind).
2:39 pm - The conflict is between naturalism and science. Dennett is smirking under his grand beard...
3:24 pm - You can see where Plantinga is going in his arguments, which is a virtue. With Dennett, he is building up to a shock. This is also cool. I like both.
3:26 pm - A failure of imagination is not an insight into reality, a point Dennett makes against philosophers all the time.

3:26 pm - Here comes [Dennett's] punch line - the theistic hypothesis can't be refuted...

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