Wednesday, March 18, 2020

In case you wondered …

… Top 10 books about boarding school | Books | The Guardian. (Hat tip, Dave Lull.)

I didn't attend boarding school, and I have read only one of these — Decline and Fall — and for some reason never thought of that as being primarily about boarding school. I just thought it was very funny. So, when Brideshead Revisited was on the list of novels I was supposed to read over the summer for a course that fall in the modern novel, that was the first one I chose to read, since I figured it would be funny as hell. I still remember pausing after reading for maybe 45 minutes or so and saying out loud to myself, "This is the saddest book I have ever read." It also turned out to be one of the greatest.

1 comment:

  1. Odd that The Complete Stalky and Co. is available in the Oxford World Classics series yet is omitted here.

    It took a moment to find, but the moment paid off richly: one of the titles retrieved by a search on Kipling was The Oxford Book of Social Exclusion. It seems a book that someone needs, but who?
