Wednesday, July 01, 2020

Our feathered friends …

… Nigel Andrew - Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Gyrfalcon | Literary Review | Issue 488. (Hat tip, Dave Lull.)

Yesterday, while I was sitting in my garden, three sparrows lined up on the fence between my garden and my neighbor’s. The perched there looking at me. The suet and seed cake that had been hanging nearby had been devoured. There was a seed bell hanging there still, but they like that less. I got up and hung another suet and seed cake. Moments later the were feeding away. The birds in my garden have grown rather friendly. They routinely join Debbie and me when we dine on the patio. They often perch just a couple of feet from us. They certainly know who it is hangs up the food.

I must get Jennifer Ackerman’s book.

1 comment:

  1. Our garden, which was alive with birds until very recently, is now nearly bird-free, thanks to a relentless campaign of terror by a pair of horribly efficient avicidal cats. I'm looking into cat deterrents...
