Thursday, May 20, 2010

Pro and con ...

... Everybody Draws Mohammed Day:

Bored with death threats.

Why and why not.


As for you and me, as Brian of Nazareth explained, we're all individuals. We can think for ourselvs.


  1. I cannot draw, and especially I cannot draw online, so you will have to imagine me drawing. Here I am, drawing a menacing looking figure with a big hooked nose, which is the way the Nazis used to -- and the way current Islamic fanatics still -- draw those other Semites, the Jews. As he strokes that fearsome beak, he casts a gimlet eye on the last of his numerous wives, the 9-year-old Aisha.

    Now you may consider that provocative, but it is not as provocative as blowing up 9-year-old innocent unmarried virgins and other living creatures.

  2. I have spent the last few minutes clicking on and reading the various posts related to the frenzy surrounding Draw Mohammed Day.

    At the end of the not so pleasant sightseeing, during which I have read some atrocious utterances, I have a two-pronged reaction:

    (1) The flurry of activity in response to Draw Mohammed Day is a huge waste of time and effort; I would also include intellect, but I see few signs of that among the postings to which you (Frank) have graciously provided links. People seem incredibly shallow and crude in too many instances.

    (2) The Internet, especially as it is used by some bloggers, can be an unfortunate wasteland. We heard in the 50s that television was the pernicious time waster and mind number; the 21st century has proven that blogging (especially as it involves the Draw Mohammed Day "controversy") might be worse than television. Of course, the medium is not really the problem. Blame the bloggers.
