Sunday, May 31, 2009
Gray indeed ...
Gray, as we have seen, is not much interested in humanity, that plague on the planet as he calls us. ‘The single greatest threat to global ecological stability comes from human population growth’, he writes in ‘An Agenda for Green Conservatism’ (1992). A ‘crowded world choked with noise and filth’, he continues, will not only lead to ecological collapse but will deny ‘the human need for solitude and wilderness’.But why would someone who thinks of us a plague on the planet care about our need for solitude or wilderness? Sounds phony to me.
Forget it, Scotty ...
Supreme peace ...
Dark times ...
Bloody enough, I gather. But not exceptionally so, which is more frightening.
Sounds it to me ...
... we should openly admit what we don't know rather than pretend to knowledge that we don't have. This is a less common attitude than it ought to be.
Honoring a master ...
Today's Inquirer reviews ...
... Karen Quiñones Miller on Coloson Whitehead: One teen's uncompelling summer of '85.
... David Hiltbrand looks at Murder set amid the world of hip-hop.
... and, in case you missed it yesterday, me on Robert Littell: The menace and terror of Stalin.
Also: Travel Bookshelf: Expert advice, quirky Parisian hotels.
Thought for the day ...
Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws.- Plato
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Virtually no blogging ...
Thought for the day ...
Martyrdom has always been a proof of the intensity, never of the correctness of a belief.- Arthur Schnitzler
Friday, May 29, 2009
I missed this ...
I just got this ...
Terry times two ...
I know of few serious plays that are as funny as “Arcadia,” and even fewer funny plays that are as serious.
This week's batch ...
I subscribe to the TLS. It is one of my more worthwhile expenditures.
Predispositon ...
Farther down ...
Here's my post linking to Part I (many comments): Literary discussion ...
Also, Dave Lull alerts me that R.T. has been noticed by the Washington Post: The Speed Read.
Thought for the day ...
You need not cry very loud; He is nearer to us than we think.- Brother Lawrence
Thursday, May 28, 2009
The future of publishing (cont'd.) ...
The Inquirer discovers ...
At least Clifford Geertz made the list...
It's hucksterish of me to post this, I know,
Literary discussion ...
“Annihilating flatters something obscure, something original in us. It is not by erecting but by pulverising that we may divine the secret satisfactions of a god. Whence the lure of destruction and the illusions it provokes among the frenzied of any era.”
R.T. of Novels, Stories, and More and I have been exchanging emails regarding Cormac McCarthy's The Road - proof positive that two people can have widely divergent views of the same book and remain on speaking terms. R.T. has just posted PART ONE – Revisiting Cormac McCarthy’s THE ROAD.
Inhabiting film ....
This was the time when AT&T, which legally owned your phone, would let you have one in any color as long as it was black. So tasteful people like Mark, or more likely the decorator he surely must have hired, bought colored plastic shells to fit over them. A large glass “window” decorated with Miro-like fi sh separates the apartment from the veranda. (When I was a kid growing up in dingy tenements in a small city in upstate New York, I would see places like this in movies and think, “That must be how real people live.”)
Another bad idea ...
Just practice your faith and keep the government out of it. Geez.
Novelist on the move ...
Though he delights in France, Paris is "totally Americanized"; the Rue de la Paix turns out to be "a perfect reproduction of Broadway."
Danger man ...
... what does Cioran offer us? An alternative, I would argue, to the shuffling and reshuffling of pieties, to the superficial investigations of language and politics, to the long academic boredom that has settled over philosophy.
Continuing correspondence ...
Piers Paul Read and I have resumed our email correspondence concerning his new novel, The Death of a Pope. (The initial exchange is here. And here is the website for the book.) Feel free to comment.
My last question was this:
FW: I have sometimes made the point in lectures that there is a creative dimension to reading: The reader must exercise his own imagination in order to realize what the author has written.
FW: This brings to mind, for some reason, what Sister Elizabeth says to Father Luke at the conclusion of the retreat he gives the nuns: "It has been most instructive for our younger sisters to hear a voice from the past." Now, if there is any institution for which the past, in Faulkner's phrase "isn't even past," it's the Roman Catholic Church. But Sister Elizabeth seems typical of many in today's church is not seeming to understand that tradition is, as Chesterton put it, "a democracy of the dead," extending the franchise to our ancestors. Might one problem of people like Uriarte be that they are imprisoned in the present? Might the Devil be the supreme temporizer? Of course, many people, coming up this exchange, will think us strange for evil talking as we are about the Devil.
PPR: Didn't T.S. Eliot talk about temporal provincialism, and Chesterton say that one of the advantages of being a Catholic was that it saved one from being a child of one's time? Of course the Church talks about reading the signs of the times, and that is what many of the Liberationists thought they were doing. But their discernment, in my view, was wrong: and many people suffered as a result - both physically and spiritually.
Thought for the day ...
We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Sonia Sotomayor and Nancy Drew
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Well, here's a classic ...
Florian Zeller and Milan Kundera
"...he had to bid farewell to a part of himself, his life as a libertine, and that seemed to him close to masochistic torture."
"Amelie was living under the despotic reign of her mother's grief."
Reading Lovers I swore on several occassions that I was in the middle of Laughter and Forgetting or Life is Elsewhere.
Planting forms ...

Punk's not dead!
Hear ye, hear ye ....
Another long piece ...
The link is fixed. Elberry is right that the one I mistakenly linked to was funny, but Dave didn't send it, and it wasn't long.
I did note this, though: "... conservative social critics have been blowing the apocalyptic bugle at every large-scale tech-driven social change since Socrates’ famous complaint about the memory-destroying properties of that newfangled technology called “writing.”
Socrates, famously put to death for "corrupting youth," was a conservative social critic? And all those newspaper people deploring blogs, they're all conservative social critics? Who knew?
Vatican approved ...
Thought for the day ...
Every branch of human knowledge, if traced up to its source and final principles, vanishes into mystery.- Arthur Machen
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
A beautiful talent ...
Philly book scene ...
Mixed bag ...
I'm not sure if it changed my life, but Palgrave's Golden Treasury was an immense influence on me.
Thought for the day ...
Suffering is nothing. It's all a matter of preventing those you love from suffering.— Alphonse Daudet
Monday, May 25, 2009
Thanks to elberry ...
This is a blog I shall be visiting often.
A living faith ...
I had the strange, surreal experience of hearing my congregants' shock that this could happen to the family of the Rabbi -- as though professional piety was a shield against disease. As though God played favorites.
That epic sound ...
... Tolkien aimed for directness and authenticity. He did so by imitating poetic meters used by the early Norse—meters that (much like those in Old English) depend on alliteration (rather than rhyme) and a spacing of pauses and beats.
An ear for the bien-pensant ...
Amen ...
... Faith in the future.
It is one thing to argue that the model of universal secularisation is mistaken, and to show – as the authors do very effectively – that the decline of religion in Europe is not going to be repeated worldwide. It is another thing altogether to suggest that an American kind of religiosity is spreading nearly everywhere.
One problem is the conception of religion the authors deploy.
Nearly always, religion for them means monotheism – more specifically, Christianity and Islam. Polytheistic and non-theistic religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism are allowed a few pages, but only in order to argue that “American methods can work” even for them.
I have at times been critical of John Gray, but this is an excellent, well-balanced review. I have always thought it interesting that secularists should find America's persistent religiosity peculiar, given that so many of its colonies were established for religious reasons. Emerson, Thoreau and Whitman may not have been conventional churchgoers, but they sure were religious. Also, with its veneration of saints, Catholicism is much more compatible with polytheism than Evangelical Protestantism. My neighborhood has lately been graced with a large number of immigrants from Mexico. Their religiosity may not be conventionally American, either, but it is genuine and deep. Our Lady of Guadalupe rules. Gray hits the bull's-eye with this:
God is Back may not show that the American way of religion is uniquely well suited to the modern condition. Where this urgently relevant book succeeds triumphantly is in demolishing the myth of an emerging secular civilisation.
Thought for the day ...
Develop an interest in life as you see it; the people, things, literature, music - the world is so rich, simply throbbing with rich treasures, beautiful souls and interesting people. Forget yourself.- Henry Miller
Sunday, May 24, 2009
On the road ...
Something different ...
I have been exchanging emails with Piers Paul Read about this book (an exchange begun after I had written my review) and he has agreed to let me reproduce it here. What follows is just the beginning:
I found this rather heartening, since many people seem to be always on the lookout for some hero to do God's work, whereas God is fully capable of doing His own work using the people who come to hand, as it were.
FW: I did feel at the end, when Kate cries, that she does on some level "get it." This morning, at Mass, I kept thinking for some reason of Monsignor Perez. He is vain - very preoccupied with the details of ecclesiastical preferment. And yet he has a sincere and simple faith that prompts him to set in motion a chain of events that will thwart evil.
Then there is Cardinal Doornik - who would never have assented to what Uriarte really has in mind - but who can wrap his conscience around breaking a vow ... for what he perceives to be a higher good. Doornik shares with the good people in the book their imperfections, though unlike the others he cannot rise above them.
Uriarte is different from all of the rest. He is so smooth, so self-possessed and self-confidant. He has indeed achieved a kind of bloodless perfection. Somerset Maugham says somewhere that perfection is a trifle dull. In Uriarte you have created a character who leads one to think that perfection can also be more than a trifle menacing.
So how would you describe the moral divide separating Uriarte from the others?
PPR: Is there such a great moral divide between Uriarte and Cardina Doornik and Monsignor Perez? I would have thought they were all united in the sin of pride. Uriarte is ahead of the others - a Luciferian figure - and, despite their basically good intentions, he pulls them down in
his wake. The most neglected virtues these days, it seems to me, are humility and chastity. I have tried to suggest that it is a hatred of chastity as well as pride that motivates Uriarte, something Kate realises towards the end of the novel.
FW: I have sometimes made the point in lectures that there is a creative dimension to reading: The reader must exercise his own imagination in order to realize what the author has written.
We seem to have imagined Monsignor Perez somewhat differently - or did I discern a sympathy that you may have been unaware of consciously? At any rate, I imagined Perez as a sad and somewhat lost soul, who at least has enough of a moral sense ... to have his confession heard by priest he knows is not a temporizer.
I even sensed a certain sad, lost quality to Doornik. I suppose what I amn wondering is this: Do these characters affect the reader more sympathetically than you perhaps intended?
Uriarte, on the other hand, is definitely Luciferian as you say, which is what makes him such a compelling figure. Were your book to be made into a film, what a great role Uriarte would provide some actor (Benicio del Toro perhaps - he's already played Che Guevara, a far less interesting figure than Uriarte).
We are the same age, so both of us remember when there was no "traditionalist" branch of the Church. That "branch" was the Church. The Death of a Pope portrays a Catholic Church that is not only at odds with the world, but also with itself in some sense. If this is a correct perception about the book, it would also seem to follow that the book is reminding us that forces are at work on behalf of the Church far greater than any individual, whether Pope or parishioner, can
ever muster. Is this correct and if so, could you elaborate?
This is where we are so far. I will continue to update and bump the post up.
Whew ....
This sure is long.
Trumpets, drums, and applause ...
Florian Zeller
I take my hat off to Florian Zeller. Artificial Snow is astounding.
There's a wonderful piece
Today's Inquirer reviews ...
... A star, his foibles, and his flaws.
... From war to noir, and it's a wild ride.
... Susan Balée on Colm Tóibín: Homesick in a new world.
I have a review in today's paper also, but am linking to it separately.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Minority report ...
Catching up ...
... Overheard on a train from Lords of the Blog. (Now if Maxine wanted to write a mystery novel, there's a good opening gambit.)
... introducing Ercument Buyuksumnulu. I much prefer Maxine.
... Richard and Judy and other sales figures.
... British Library offers test drive of e-readers. Wait for the Kindle.
... A CrimeFest round-up.
A free press ...
Of course, if the government helps bail out the newspaper industry, we won't have anything to worry about, right?
He's better than that ...
Knowing ...
Some may find interesting what I had to say a few years regarding the sexual abuse scandal in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia: Toll the bell, close the book, quench the candle ...
Post bumped.
Partial recall ...
That is what hooks us on poetry - that discovery that words can be music. I can still recite the poems I have always known and I can still memorize poems with comparative ease. It bothers me that don't bother to do so more.I remember astounding my parents, when I was I suppose 8, by memorising the lengthy narrative poem Edinburgh After Flodden (by W.E. Aytoun), of which I understood very little - it was the music I was memorising (as when I learnt the prologue to Henry V at a similarly precocious age).
Ahead of its time ...
Progress report ...
I met Shawn McBride after a reading once. We did, of course, attend the same high school. And I meant what I said about his book.
What passes for science ...
Thought for the day ...
The good critic is he who relates the adventures of his soul among masterpieces.- Anatole France
Friday, May 22, 2009
I'm not so sure ...
I certainly don't think one should seek to be admired. But I'm not sure one should seek to be loved, either. Nice if it happens, of course. What is important is learning to love, which can often mean the acceptance of not being loved in return.
A perfectly lovely review ...
This is, perhaps, the underlying, paradoxical dream of Updike's characters: to be away, and yet to be safe.
Disingenuous ...
I notice that Myers does not address this part of Allen's piece:
Then there's P.Z. Myers, biology professor at the University of Minnesota's Morris campus, whose blog, Pharyngula, is supposedly about Myers' field, evolutionary biology, but is actually about his fanatical propensity to label religious believers as "idiots," "morons," "loony" or "imbecilic" in nearly every post. The university deactivated its link to Myers' blog in July after he posted a photo of a consecrated host from a Mass that he had pierced with a rusty nail and thrown into the garbage ("I hope Jesus' tetanus shots are up to date") in an effort to prove that Catholicism is bunk -- or something.
But he does say this:
Contrary to Allen's claim that we aren't interested in criticizing the important elements of religious belief, we are: We go right to the central issue of whether there is a god or not. We're pretty certain that if there were an all-powerful being pulling the strings and shaping history for the benefit of human beings, the universe would look rather different than it does. It wouldn't be a place almost entirely inimical to our existence, with a history that reveals our existence was a fortunate result of a long chain of accidents tuned by natural selection.I, however, as a person of faith, do not thing of God as "pulling the strings." That's a parodistic notion of God. And given how finely tuned the world is to make itself accommodating to us it is hard to regard it as "a place almost entirely inimical to our existence." But then Myers is a biologist, not a philosopher.
Not always right ...
Nock understood that man is lazy, which is not quite the same as slothful. He called this “Epstean’s Law” after a friend who’d said to him over lunch: “I tell you, if self-preservation is the first law of human conduct, exploitation is the second.” Or as Nock rephrased it: “Man tends always to satisfy his needs and desires with the least possible exertion.” And for Nock, the state is the foremost instrument of Epstean’s Law, allowing powerful men to feed off the creativity, productivity, and labor of others under the veneer of legalisms. Every state, according to Nock, was born in conquest and exploitation. In other words, the state “claims and exercises the monopoly of crime.” This is why Nock had such contempt for businessmen claiming the language of free enterprise even as they petitioned and cajoled the state into rigging the system in their favor: “The simple truth is that our businessmen do not want a government that will let business alone. They want a government they can use.”In 1968, during my Goliard days, I gave a lecture on Nock at Rockford College. I have been a fan since my early 20s and have, right behind, a shelf with most of his books on it. This is a fair and balanced appraisal. Nock's quietism is indeed as dubious as it is tempting.
It has my vote ...
Thought for the day ...
Sit down and put down everything that comes into your head and then you're a writer. But an author is one who can judge his own stuff's worth, without pity, and destroy most of it.- Colette
Masterpiece at noon ...
Have to admit: The dude looks cool in those shades.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Vintage news ...
This week's batch ...
Two step ...
Well, maybe ...
Zines in public libraries:
A teaser ...
(Hat tip, Dave Lull.)
Keith Ward is always a delight to read.
Thought for the day ...
Who breathe where you will, come into me and snatch me up to yourself.- Richard Rolle
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Radical detachment ...
There is something unmistakably late twentieth century in Hinton's love for Tao and Ch'an, and in his way with it. Sometimes he overly domesticates this ancient wisdom, making it sound like a familiar form of progressive orthodoxy, as when he congratulates Taoism for being "deeply ecological" and "radically feminist." As with Rexroth, these Chinese poets can sound distinctly New Age. Just as often, though, Hinton makes the Chinese poets sound like late Heidegger, as when he writes of their interest in "dwelling," or translates the central Taoist concept tzu-jan as "occurrence appearing of itself," echoing Heidegger's translation of the Greek physis as "things ... insofar as they originate and come forth from themselves."
First the rad trads ...
Literary encounter ...
This is what reading is all about - a passionate encounter that enables you to come to know yourself in relation to the world.
Cool ...
Further encouraging words from Nige: Part of the Past - At Last!
"... a dedicated retroprogressive reactionary laudator temporis acti." The only way to be!
Word from Judith ...
... BION, Derek Walcott's still smokin' hot.
... Take this job and . . .
Interesting to see how elevated and graceful literary politics can be.
The darkly comic heart ...
Somebody should send Richard Dawkins a copy.
What a smart fellow ...
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
The future of publishing (cont'd.) ...
The future of publishing (cont'd.) ...
The Ballad of Thoreau
The future of publishing (cont'd.) ...
Conspicuous display ...
Members of the same sex compete with one another for the best (or the most) mates, and competition favors those who can signal their superiority over their opponents. The most famous example of such a signal is the peacock’s tail, whose extravagance distinguishes its owner from less showy birds and functions as a fitness indicator, proclaiming his health and strength to potential female partners.How do we know that that is what the peahen sees in the peacock's tail? Aren't all peacocks' tails much the same? Or is the peahen able to differentiate subtleties not readily observable by us. If so, how do we know that? Is it not possible that the peacock's splendor is meant to the draw attention of a predator away from the peahen and her nest?
Artistic ability, Dutton concludes, signals exceptional intelligence, wit, wisdom, dexterity, imaginativeness, and the rest of the qualities that (health and attractiveness aside) proclaim their owners’ superiority ...There are plenty of artists who, apart from their specialized talent and skill, are not especially bright or witty or wise or exceptional in any other way.
Better known ...
Last Thursday night, at the Free Library, Elmore spoke appreciatively of Richard Bissell and 7½ Cents. He even cited Bissell as something of an influence.
Calling all droogies ...
One more time ...
... the epistemological critique of religion — it is an inferior way of knowing — is the flip side of a naïve and untenable positivism. And the critique of religion’s content — it’s cotton-candy fluff — is the product of incredible ignorance.
Thought for the day ...
All the best stories in the world are but one story in reality - the story of escape. It is the only thing which interests us all and at all times, how to escape.- Walter Bagehot
Monday, May 18, 2009
Catherine Millet

Plus ça change …
"Fine ladies, men of fashion – the London world – ever anxious to make as much of its money as it can, and then wholly unwise (it is not now very wise) in discovering how the most was to be made of it – ‘went in’ and speculated largely. As usual, all was favourable so long as the shares were rising; the price was at one time very high, and the agitation very general. After a time, the shares ‘hesitated,’ declined, and fell; and there was an outcry against everybody concerned in the matter."
Poet on poet ...
I've always loved the part of MacFlecknoe when the kind of dullness decides who shall be his successor:
Shadwell alone my perfect image bears.
Mature in dullness from his tender years;
Shadwell alone, of all my sons, is he
Who stands confirmed in full stupidity.
The rest to some faint meaning make pretence,
But Shadwell never deviates into sense.
Leaps of faith ...
Evidence is what eventually settles science. But in the meantime, one should also be wary of sleights of hand. The multiverse is a hypothesis for which there is no evidence, and perhaps can never be any evidence.So, if there is no evidence yet, it is not yet science.
Thought for the day ...
Any idiot can face a crisis - it's day to day living that wears you out.- Anton Chekhov
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Blogging has been sporadic ...
I think these lines are wonderful. It was a blessing to have come upon them as I did.
In the green winter night
That is dark as the cypress bough, the pine,
The fig-tree and the vine
When our long sun into the dark had set
And made but winter branches of his rays,
The heart, a ghost,
Said to our life farewell—the shadow leaves
The body when our long dark sun has gone ...
No Luddite he ...
Indeed. I haven't got involved with Twitter or Facebook or other such things. I've always been the standoffish type who watches what's going on from a safe distance. The web has always seemed to me a kind of enhanced phone line. Still, I think the flip side of the cult of the self Bryan has correctly warns about is the connection that can be made with so many kindred spirits around the world. But for the internet I would not have come to know Dave and Judith and Nige and Maxine - and Bryan himself, to mention only a few. This ability of individuals to connect with others globally has a potential I don't think of any of us can yet fathom.
This seems about right ...
Link is fixed.What primarily seems to motivate atheists isn't rationalism but anger -- anger that the world isn't perfect, that someone forced them to go to church as children, that the Bible contains apparent contradictions, that human beings can be hypocrites and commit crimes in the name of faith.
Scary ...
The Australian aborigines, I believe, regard dream time as governing our lives. I don't have much of a dream life myself, so I can't say.As I brewed the tea, I wondered whether the dream time was more real than the day time I'm in now.
Today's Inquirer reviews ...
... Exploring the life of Garcia Marquez. (I remember an interview where Garcia Marquez explained that his friendship with Fidel Castro was entirely based on their mutual love of fishing and fish recipes. As someone who has never criticized Fidel's bouillabaise, I quite understand.)
... Breezy bits of history's sound bites. (Proof, if any was needed, that the New Deal is the nearest many reporters can come to believing in eternal life.)
Thought for the day ...
Welcome to the world of light made lapidary,
shades of pale slate casting tender cerulean hues
variously cobalt basalt, indigo outerglow, slow-dawning
blues. Accept this delicate hypnotopia lovingly rendered
for the singular Individual in that malltitudinous queue.- Judith Fitzgerald
Saturday, May 16, 2009
I'm late getting to this ...
Sign me up for the "sceptical party," please.
Overy left the Labour party in 1997, when Blair was elected prime minister, and now describes himself as a nonaligned member of the (nonexistent) sceptical party. His central political position — which is not really right or left — is that we need to resist the overweening claims of the state.