Tuesday, December 02, 2008

The coming season ...

... Scenes and Landscapes of Winter.

Debbie and I bought one opf Brian Keeler's landscapes last summer. It is a splendid piece that I will try to take a photo of to post. Looking at thse paintings, though, really brings to life the area in upstate Pennsylvania where we vacation.


  1. Talk about a blast from the past -- I knew George Schelling's work from the late 50's and early 60's when he was creating some of the best-crafted covers for science fiction magazines ever done; I still even have a few of them. I had no idea he had developed into the even better artist whose work is in that link. I'll have to look around for more of his work. Thanks.

  2. He also did some fine work for Field & Stream, I think. I've seen a good bit of his art while on vacation and it is very impressive.
