Saturday, July 14, 2007

Naive but nice ...

Perusing Bookninja today, I came across this video that purports to sum up a day in the life of an English Literature Student in Wales. Being the American equivalent myself – known here as the English undergrad or the Soon-to-be-Living-in-a-Box – I had to smile at the sweet-hearted nature of the film. Sure, it neglects the panic of sleeping through that uber-important lecture, the terror of discussing that unread book with an over-zealous TA, and the depression of pulling an all-nighter to write that twenty-page essay (one friend now attributes to Red Bull “the scent of defeat by homework”), but it does convey the brilliance of the professors, the beauty of the language, and the sheer fun of working with literary masterpieces. Now if only employment were as easy as they suggest....

1 comment:

  1. Hi Elizabeth, if you don't mind my asking, which institute are you attending?
